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The end of XP can be the beginning of a new way for you

Submitted by Nader on Wed, 04/23/2014 - 13:19

Those of you running Win XP by now are fully aware that MS has stopped supporting this operating system,‭ ‬and made sure by painting the red warning message on your screen; to let you know you are at the mercy of the viruses and malware (it’s a creepy world out there in the cyberland).‭ ‬Further, MS has also advised you to buy a new operating system software to stay immune to viruses and be safe from all the evil doers’‭ (‬save NSA‭) ‬ill intents.

You can always heed their advice and go buy yet another MS software,‭ ‬that needs further investment in new hardware too.‭ ‬This of course in the current climate of hard times and rising prices,‭ and the ever shrinking income, is ‬the last development you need to face. In fact it is as good as a hole in the head (Trepanation isn't fun) ,‭ ‬but that is the way cookie crumbles.

Stone of Folly

However all is not lost,‭ ‬because you can still carry on using your existing systems, and keeping your hard earned dosh. In fact you don't need to invest even in more software,‭ that needs new hardware, ‬and then wait for this new OS to go out of fashion and no longer supported.‭

What is the catch you ask‭?

No catch at all, there is no catch!

There is no hidden clause!

You need not start worrying about handing over your first born, ‬and worrying what is to come to him/her?

In fact the exercise is pretty painless and inexpensive.‭ ‬It entails you bringing your machine to us in Aquila Computers,. There, ‬we will get your data off your machine and then introduce you to Linux, by putting this wizard of an Operating System on your machine. This open source software is supported and it is your ticket to freedom from propriety software and all that goes with that. This leaves you free to be in charge of your machine and not instead of some pencil neck geek employed to protect the interests of the corporate that has employed him/her.

Your reconfigured machine would be fast, safe, and above all tailored to what you would like to see your machine become. Now all this and you would expect a huge investment, won’t you?

Well your assumptions are incorrect, the whole exercise will cost from £35.00 plus a fiver donation to those clever open source geeks who made it all possible, after all we all have to live, and pay the bills now, don’t we?

So for nearly the price of a pizza or a carry out, you have solved all your worries and problems, and that is priceless.

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